What is group buy

GB stands for Group Buy. It’s our way of bringing you brand new cutting-edge courses at a massive reduction in price to you. We purchase a course or program for its full price by collecting money from members (members contribute equal shares of the full price). Each member who is interested in getting involved with the GB needs to pay his or her part.

How it works-

  • Number of Votes + Price

    High price of the course and high number of votes are the main requirements. If these requirements are met, I will open a form for a new Group Buy below.

  • Are you willing to pay for it?

    Simply choose the GB you would like and vote for it.

  • Amount of members

    If there is a reasonable amount of members (voters) willing to pay for a GB (the more members will join, the lower price of the GB will be), I will buy the course on my risk.

    Example: Sales Price: $1999, amount of members: 20 = $75 each member has to pay (I will pay $500). 

  • Download + Upload

    I will download all the files from the original site and upload it to our cloud storage.

  • Start sharing access to the course

       After downloading all the material, we start share access on google drive. as we mostly shares through Google drive.
       If you want to raise a request for group buy for new course contact us.

Currently Active Group Buys