
The Dreamgirl Formula – Charles Black & Tim Veninga

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The Dreamgirl Formula – Charles Black & Tim Veninga | 19,5 GB

Dreamgirl Formula If that isn’t enough check out what you will learn as well:
How To Train Her To Be The Perfect Girlfriend
– PREVENTABLE MISTAKES In the first week I’ll show you how to avoid the common mistakes most guys make that transform their relationships into a continuous trainwreck of drama, bullshit and nagging.
– SECRET MANIPULATION TACTICS Women use these to take your freedom over time. If you fall for these tactics, she is WAY more likely to lose attraction for you and cheat on you. We’ll show you how to avoid being the victim of these.
– THE PIMP METHOD The exact method pimps use to make girls fall in love with them and do what they want. You can use this to train your woman to become more loving, caring, attractive and sexual.

– THE FORGOTTEN COMPLIMENT TRICK A simple trick that will make sure her new life-goal is pleasuring you.

How To Have Amazing Relationships Without Drama, Arguments And Bullshit
– THE “TINY TABLE” CONCEPT This concept is the trigger for nasty divorces and has destroyed countless relationships. You’ll learn how to avoid this happening to you and your relationship.
We distilled the things that actually work in real life into 4 ‘sacred’ principles that destroy all nagging and drama in relationships.




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