
The Brain Evolution System

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $35.00.



The Brain Evolution System

How to Double Your Ability to Learn, Think Creatively, Solve ANY Problem, And Enjoy Limitless Energy . Just By Listening to Your CD Player!
A breakthrough “brain entrainment” system – that you can operate at home with nothing more than your CD player . “programs” your brain to think better, faster, and more creatively – based on proven neuro-science principles….
In the early 1990s, a team of trained psychologists made an amazing discovery. The Brain Evolution System
They found that sound waves – all by themselves — could improve your brain’s ability to think, learn, create, and solve problems.
The researchers called this the “Mozart Effect” … because in their study, men and women who listened to a Mozart Sonata before taking an IQ test scored 8 to 9 points higher than men and women who hadn’t listened to the music.
The amazing conclusion: Simply listening to Mozart could actually improve IQ test results.
This is why today you hear about schools using Mozart to help kids learn math, and see “Mozart Effect” CDs being sold in catalogs to parents.
But here’s the really interesting part…. The Brain Evolution System
The Mozart Effect was purely accidental. The Bra in Evolution System
Mozart didn’t write his music to deliberately help people think better and more clearly. The Brain Evolution System
The great 18th century composer had no clue that certain combinations of sounds stimulate different parts of the brain – sharpening information processing, altering mood, even improving cognition.


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