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Boris Konrad – Superbrain! Memory training

Download Now Superbrain! Memory training with Boris Konrad. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
Your memory can be improved! By a lot! Boris Nikolai Konrad, a Memory World Record Holder and Neuroscientist, explains how to do it.
Boris Nikolai Konrad is not only a researcher on superior memory but also has one. The neuroscientist studies the neuronal basis for memory training at Nijmegen’s Donders Institute. He is also a multiple-time memory World Record holder and winner of the German TV series ‘The Brain’. He is also well-known from ‘Wedden Dat Ik Het Kan’ (SBS6).
He will discuss all the techniques required to perform such feats and the neuroscience behind superior memory.
Anyone who is able to remember numbers, names and presentations quickly has an advantage. This course will teach you how to recall names, give speeches and presentations without notes, and how to store information, facts and definitions in your brain. This course will teach you how to improve your long-term memory and what to do to permanently remember it.
Practical application is the main focus. You will do many exercises because we want you to be able to use our great memories. You will also be able to use the techniques you have learned.
Memory artists can be a bit confusing to their audience if they use techniques that date back thousands of years. With expert instruction, they can be learned quickly. You can use the same techniques in memory sports to solve everyday problems in your professional or personal life.
Boris Nikolai Konrad, a memory trainer and neuroscientist, has set several world records in memory training. He broke his own 2015 world record of matching 215 names in 15 minutes. He also held the record for remembering numbers, words and birth dates.
The course includes all the techniques and many practical examples that he uses to achieve this feat. It will also help you do the same. The main message from the memory expert: “A good memory can be taught!” Everybody can improve their memory tremendously! “
How do you consume it and what are the benefits?
Watch 6 hours worth of video (see the curriculum below) about different memory techniques. You can download summary in English or Dutch and detailed training plans. You can also join our student group on Facebook to share your progress and discuss it with other students. You can also email your instructor with any questions. One of your instructors will respond as soon as possible.
Your investment
Below are the prices for each package and the early bird deal. If you are unable to spend time on this course, please do not purchase it. It requires a small financial investment, but it works if you’re willing to put in some time. What is the cost?
It will all depend on your learning pace. The video course will last over 6 hours. Some parts of the course are more advanced than others, and some bonus material that you don’t necessarily need to read to improve your memory. But, watching just the videos won’t do the trick. My experience is that you will see a leap in your progress if you spend a few minutes each day, or several times per week for a few weeks. For example, participants were instructed to train at home for up to 30 minutes each day for six weeks. This is comparable to the time spent watching videos. It is not necessary to train for six weeks at home. You can achieve the same result by committing to 12 weeks of 30 minutes per day, or slightly less.
Summary: I don’t have a magic bullet. This course is based on science and my over 15 years of training memory athletes and trainers. Although it requires some training, the techniques can lead to real and amazing results.

I guarantee If you don’t achieve the results you were expecting after 30 days of training, you will get a full refund.


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