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Foreclosure Academy – Foreclosure Secrets

Download Now Foreclosure Secrets by Foreclosure Academy. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
What You Get:
Foreclosure Secrets
Learn how you can turn the nightmare of tax foreclosure into a fantastic idea for you and others through a shady government system that permits everything put into a mortgage for a house to be returned to the previous owners. Learn to navigate the federal system to make sure that every penny is paid to the people who are entitled to the money… and not just the taxpayers! Numerous previous homeowners had paid for a significant portion of their homes and then were unable to keep it because of difficult times. They were unaware they might have a right to reimbursement and compensation for the funds! Earn more – do less.
Unlimited Foreclosure Leads Secrets
Are you concerned about your ability to reach sufficient individuals? Are you unsure what to do to find homeowners who gone through a tax foreclosure? There are databases from the government that are available (after approval) and provide you with the “treasure trove” of leads absolutely free! Once you have the information you need then you can phone the local county clerk to find out how much is due to each household and find out what your percentage will be prior to doing an additional minute’s work!
Best States Ranked in Order of Profitability
Are you confused about how to begin the process? Are you tired of searching through 47 states that provide tax-free overages for their citizens and figure out which ones are going to give you the most lucrative payments? You don’t have to! Actually, states with significant tax burdens are not always the most beneficial ones to start with… Why is that? Because certain states have a “specific attitude” and not all communities are easily able to work with – which is why we’re offering our own list of the most desirable States (and individuals) to collaborate with.
Quick-Close Call Scripts
Do not make one phone call until you’ve got our tested and proven procedure that guides you and the previous owner through the whole procedure. Our policy is that “if a toddler can understand it, so will everyone else” which is the essence of these scripts about – easy explanations for those who are in trouble. You can close more deals in a shorter amount of time using a tried and true method to guide anyone step-by-step through what is often described as “a complicated process”.
The Finder’s Fee Legal Paperwork
You don’t need an attorney to draft an agreement for finder’s fees typically customized for every transaction. It can be extremely expensive and time-consuming! Take a look at our template document and complete the blanks. It’s simple. It’s not a worry whether you’re paid since this contract protects your rights far ahead of the time you receive your payments through the government. Additionally, it permits anyone to put a freeze on an account in a bank with legal rights to take any debt due.
Unclaimed Property Law Secrets
Do not fret about what will happen to your overages when they expire We have a searchable map that lets anyone find out the laws regarding unclaimed property are, and to know what requirements must be made. We’ve had students with checks of $20,000 ready to be shipped and only to discover that the properties they’d worked on had expired. There’s no more confusion about what to do, by seeking out the best states and obtaining the right deadlines to collect.

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