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Jerry Jenkins – Nonfiction Blueprint

Download Now Nonfiction Blueprint by Jerry Jenkins. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
What you get:
Laying the Foundation
This section will help you avoid common problems for nonfiction writers such as fear of failure, not knowing how to begin, hitting a brick wall after only 30 pages, etc. You’ll feel more confident and motivated after you have laid the foundation for your book.
You’ll learn:

I show you how to create a writing plan that you can follow (and I guide you through the process of creating one)
In just minutes, how to find your writing voice
Why an outline is important before you write a nonfiction book. How to make one
How to avoid sounding preachy
This is the classic structure that changed my life and which I have used since (fiction and nonfiction).
How to find powerful, true stories for your book. Fiction techniques to bring nonfiction books to life
How to market your books to agents and publishers
There’s more!

This is just Part I of the four-part series! You can see how much you need before you begin writing so that you don’t get lost in the middle.
Begin the Writing
We spend some time on your first page — this is where most nonfiction writers get stuck. So you can keep going, we’ll get you page to the point where you love it.
You’ll learn:

The secret to building momentum and a strong sense of accomplishment during your first short writing session
All I know about creating an opener that grabs the attention of your reader right from the beginning
Less-known methods for creating a killerfirst webpage (failing to this is the #1 reason manuscripts are rejected)
How to be a fierce self-editor – you’ll get to see real hands-on editing in action. This is the type of training that many writers tell me is their favorite and most applicable immediately.
and many more

Setting up a writing routine
This is where I will guide you through the first few chapters.
Also, you’ll learn:

5 ways to increase the stakes and create high-energy scenes – just as important for nonfiction books as for novels
To get your reader to engage in the theater of his mind, you must be able to make him forget he is reading.
It is crucial to tell the truth in biographical writing
The Author’s Golden Rule — I recommend you put it somewhere you will be reminded as you write
and many more

Finish well
You’ll have completed the Nonfiction Bluprint section and will be confident that you have written approximately the first quarter of the manuscript. This will allow you to reach the Marathon of the Middle. You must do more than endure the middle to finish well. It is important to thrive in that environment and keep the pace going for the benefit of your readers. You will find everything you need to finish the marathon and get there.
Part IV will take you to the finish. Part IV is designed to give you guidance and encouragement as you work through the most difficult parts of your nonfiction book.
You’ll learn:

How nonfiction books can become a phenomenon
How to keep your reader interested until the very end
The critical role Theme plays within a nonfiction book
Encouragement reminders about why you began this journey and how to keep inspired until the end
Two simple secrets to an epic end readers will always remember Guidance by being happy with every word before selling your manuscript to agents or publishers

My goal is for you to finish this course with a nonfiction book that you can’t waitto publish.

The Proposal and Query Letter
After you have finished your manuscript, it’s time to pitch it to publishers or agents. This special package is included with your membership. It allows you to see what I would do in your shoes.
What you get:
1. My tip sheet, How to Impress Agents & Publishers
This guide will help you understand the needs of each decision maker and show you how to make your work stand apart. To give you an insight into what industry insiders want, I reveal 28 tweets.
2. Two successful proposals that you can use for templates
These were created for manuscripts that were later sold to publishers. You are free to adapt their ideas to your proposal.
3. My 90-minute seminar “How to Write Winning Queries and Proposals”
This will save you time and effort.
This training is based upon everything I have learned over many decades in the industry — for which writers have paid thousands at writers conferences. This training is essential if you are serious about publishing.
You’ll be able to tell the difference at the end.

What is the difference between a query and a cover letter? When to send each
How to create a compelling proposal
My most successful book proposals
How to make a pitch that will get editors and agents to read your manuscript
and more!



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