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PrimalThrive – Collection

PrimalThrive – Collection. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
“When your testosterone is high the world is your oyster. When your testosterone is low, you become everyone else’s oyster, sprinkled with lemon and cocktail sauce”

Can I share a personal story with you?
I was Low T for almost a decade without knowing it.
It caused a plethora of mental and physical symptoms that no man should experience.
The last 7+ years I studied in depth the fields of digestive function, nutrition, physiology, metabolism, raw food lifestyles and testosterone optimization.
➤ As I personally have experienced Low Testosterone levels in my late teens early twenties, I didn’t understand where my problems originated from and that they were linked with testosterone. This lead me to develop a program made for men to max their T levels towards the top tier percentage.
➤ My problems were broad: ill health and with this I mean both physical health and mental fortitude, low self esteem, lack of discipline and having no direction.
➤ Problems are fine when they are solved, however when they aren’t and keep reoccurring they block you from progress.
➤ When I discovered these studies that talked about the decline in androgens and fertility parameters, it was only then that the connection was made. Testosterone decline is very real and it is problematic in Western societies.
➤ When I personally maxed my own T levels naturally, my life took a 180 turn and my health problems disappeared. Not did I only experience physical changes – I became also more decisive, discerning, disciplined and woke af.
➤ My intention is to guide as many men towards barbarian levels of testosterone above 1000 ng/dL so they can conquer their inner battles and be leaders of their own life…

Tested in 2020

As You Can See, These Are My Very Own T Levels:
⚔️Total Testosterone: 51.3 nmol/L converted makes it 1479 ng/dL

⚔️Free Testosterone: 0.909 nmol/L converted makes it 26 ng/dL
Not to brag, but these levels are 3x sometimes even 5x the amount of an average man with Low T!
What You Didn’t Know
Testosterone levels have been drastically declining since 1987 with an average of 1.2% to 1.6% each year!
This means that the average male in 2021 has between 40,8 – 54,4 percent less testosterone than in the good ol’ day. Besides that men have become more infertile too, with and average of sperm decline with 40 percent as well.
Luckily, it’s never too late to optimize at any age.
Is This You?

You feel stuck in life despite but you are ready to grow
You have troubles with changing/reinventing yourself
You want to take massive action but don’t know where to start
You experience troubles with women and relationships
You find yourself simping around women
You don’t feel like yourself, not feeling manly
Hard time gaining muscle
Hard time losing fat & Man boobs 
You have a Shallow voice and you want it to be deeper
You experience low energy and sex drive (ED) or Premature Ejaculation
You have health problems like skin aging or Hair loss
You have an Addiction of some kind
You are Indecisive, experiencing Mental Hesitancy
Anxiety / Irritability/ Depression holding you back
You want to achieve a Steady State of Mind
No more Mood Swings for you
You want crazy levels of Dopamine + Confidence
You want to become an Action Taker
You are on a journey of Purpose and you Enjoy Life
You are ready to make your first dollars while sleeping

If this resonates with you then the Testosterone Group Coaching is ideal for you.
What is in the Testosterone group coaching?

➤ 5 weeks in depth recorded material directly at your disposal (Value at €500)
➤ Primal Thrive’s Library – many of the ebooks included (Value over €150)

➤ Primal Thrive’s private Inner Circle & Group Chat (Great Value)
➤ Group community – connect with like minded men  (Great Value)

➤  Direct access to Primal Thrive for individual direction (Great Value)
➤  Monthly Q&A’s  (Great Value)
➤  Lifetime access (Invaluable)
➤  Keep in mind: the estimated value is over €2000
For who is this group coaching?
➤ You are a man who is willing to invest in himself and who is ready to grow
➤ You are willing to maxx your T levels to reach your potential
➤ You are an action taker who strives forward
What will this group coaching do for you?
➤ The group coaching is designed it in such a way that it is high applicable + action oriented.
➤ All tools are provided for men’s health and testosterone
➤ Personal back up via Live Q&A’s
➤ This group coaching is designed to revive your masculine essence and give back 50x your investment
➤ No guesswork
Why Testosterone Group Coaching?
⏳Save Time!

It took me 7+ years of study and experimentation to come to the place of optimal health. Go ahead; you can do it yourself. Study, try it out, fail, repeat. However if you have no science background (like I do) it can become difficult in understanding holistic nutrition. Save time, learn faster.
? Knowledge is KEY

When you don’t have keys you cannot go further to the next level. Therefore being knowledgeable in the arts of testosterone production will make you undefeatable. If you compromise your health, you compromise every other aspect of your life: your relationships, your business, your progress etc. Going forward requires a lot of energy and the gems presented in this course can help you proceed.
? Attraction and Aesthetics

Did you know that testosterone and even more, that DHT is responsible for how you smell, the amount of pheromones you produce and the way you attract females? Discover how you can increase your androgen hormones to become more attractive and receptive to females.
?Don’t Rely on Meds/Supplements!

Leave the pills, TRT and supplements behind and embrace the PRIMAL WAY of increasing your quality of life. With my uncommon bio hacks presented and my tactical supplement guide you will be able to navigate through this crazy world. This course acts as a North Star of guidance for men.
? Boost your Biology

It is known that our biology and genetics become weaker and weaker with each generation. We need more robust genes in the upcoming generations and it is our responsibility as men of the Renaissance to boost our Biology. Are you going to contribute to the physical regeneration of mankind or do you stay weak? Weakness will not be rewarded, remember that. It is up to you!

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