
Clayton Makepeace – Quick Start Copywriting System

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Clayton Makepeace – Quick Start Copywriting System | 1.22 GB

What´s YOUR Heart´s Desire?

Maybe your tastes aren’t as big as Clayton´s.

Maybe you´d be happy just not having to stress about money and be able to take an extra vacation each year.

Maybe you´re somewhere in the middle. Whatever your heart´s desire, this secret can help you have it.

What is this secret?

Writing “dominant resident emotion” copy.

Almost nobody in this industry talks about this. And it´s the secret Clayton´s been using for just over 40 years to create bigger winners, more often.

It´s highly-effective because as humans, we buy on emotion first, and rationalize with logic, second. And the kind of copy Clayton writes, taps deep into this emotion, compelling prospects to take action immediately.

In fact, it´s dominant resident emotion copy that he’s taught to his Copy Cubs. Not surprisingly, they went on to taste the freedom and lifestyle writing this kind of copy can provide, faster than is typical.

For the past few years, anyone wanting to discover the ins and outs of writing this kind of copy has been out of luck. That´s because these days, Clayton doesn’t take on Copy Cubs.

But there’s good news. Because today, you´re going to get a chance to grab the next best thing.

It´s Clayton´s Quick-Start Copywriting System.

He stopped publishing it a few years ago.

Since then, writers all over the Web have been on forums and blogs, asking how they could get a copy.

Clayton still gets emails every week from people trying to bribe him to send them one.

The demand has been so great, one unscrupulous individual sold bootleg copies of it on eBay -until Clayton´s lawyer put a stop to it and nearly had him thrown in jail.

And with Clayton gearing up for a retirement that´s just around the corner, he hasn’t had the time or inclination to make it available.

Suffice it to say – until now, it´s been practically impossible to get a hold of Clayton´s Quick-Start Copywriting System. Even if you were ready and willing to pay a small fortune for it.

Thankfully, he’s always had a soft spot for AWAI. He sees that we’re trying to help up-and-coming copywriters as much as we can. So when I asked him for the privilege of making it available once again, he graciously agreed.

Now, for the first time in YEARS, you can (legally!) get your hands on a copy of Clayton´s proprietary system.

With the Quick-Start Copywriting System, it´s like having Clayton by your side, guiding you every step of the way.

You´ll be learning the same secrets that he’s taught his Copy Cubs. And, you´ll have every thing you need to achieve rock-star status in this industry.

Even if long sales letters aren’t your cup of tea, the secrets you´ll learn apply to ANY kind of commercial writing. The results of your landing page copy, emails, B2B copy, and more – are bound to improve.

That means you´ll have happy clients no matter what niche or industry you choose to write for. And having happy clients means finally being able to live the life YOU want.

Bottom line: If you´re serious about living the writer´s life – this is one of those rare, “MUST-HAVE” resources.

It Took Clayton A Lifetime To Collect These Response-Boosting Gems . Now, They’re YOURS For The Taking

Remember, Clayton´s been in this business 42 years.

Over that time, he’s uncovered dozens of little tips and tricks that make writing irresistible dominant resident emotion copy a cinch.

And in his Quick-Start Copywriting System, he’s included every tip . every secret. and every technique he knows for writing a big winner.

Clayton and his team also took the pains to “reverse engineer” winning promotions by many of the best copywriters to have ever lived – and then put each and every single one of those insights into this proven systém.

You won’t find another single resource on the planet packed with more response-boosting, income-multiplying secrets any where else.

Here’s a just a SMALL sample of what you´ll discover:

– How to start your projects off with a BANG! Do this one simple thing and 75% of your work is already done for you – and you´re many times more likely to succeed. (This is the place where most writers cut corners, so you´re going to be miles ahead of your competition!)

– The ONE PLACE where even the world´s best copywriters often struggle – and how to dramatically reduce the likelihood you´ll ever suffer from this profit-killing problem .

– How to create a perfectly organized, crystal-clear advertisement – as easy as 1-2-3!

– The invisible “A-B-C” process virtually every “A”-list copywriter uses to annihilate his prospect´s objections. Makes buying your product seem like the most sensible thing he could ever do .

– Eight secrets for making ANY part of your copy more fascinating and fun to read .

– Six powerful headline maxims – used by nearly all of the world´s top writers – that multiplies your odds of crafting a winning headline by 13 times or more.

– And much, MUCH MORE!

Make Every Minute You Spend At Your Desk More Profitable

With the Quick-Start Copywriting System by your side, you´ll be much more profitable every time you sit down to write!

Take a look:

– Need to find out exactly which EMOTIONS are going to make your prospect buy? You´ll discover a simple series of questions that will help you pinpoint exactly what your prospect is feeling right now!

– If your product isn’t selling like you think it should be . your OFFER may be the culprit. Fortunately, the simple 5H1W formula Clayton uses can turn that around in a matter of minutes!

– Not sure which BENEFITS to include in your emails, your sales letters, or product launch? Not to worry. Clayton´s proprietary “benefits” chart shows you a laser-accurate way to hone in on the benefits your prospect is sure to respond to!

– Believe it or not, you might only be a few PROOF ELEMENTS away from a big winner. Clayton shows you the proof elements every piece of copy must have – plus a simple technique he used to increase response on a promotion by 1,300%!

– First few paragraphs of copy stumping you? Just pick any one of the 24 proven “lead starters”. These are surefire ways to start your copy off with a bang, more quickly and easily than you´ve ever done before.

– Split-testing one headline against another can give you a huge edge in your online promotions. When combined with the dozens of quick, easy headline writing secrets you´ll discover throughout this ground-breaking program – you could be one split-test away from a massive breakthrough!

– Copy feel dull, boring, or slow? Clayton shows you 11 powerful ways to inject more speed and excitement into your writing.

– Sometimes it only takes one killer BULLET to get someone to buy an information product. You get 21 proven formulas for writing the world´s best. This information has become legendary among “A”-list copywriters!

– Having trouble asking for the sale? Not anymore. You´ll master Clayton´s uniquely powerful process for sealing the deal. This is the same process that caused copywriting legend Gary Bencivenga to call him “A Master Closer in Print.” Why? Because Claytons used it to close nearly $1.5 billion in sales during his career.

Whatever your challenge is . whatever part of your copy and advertising you want to improve . you´ll be doing so more quickly and more easily than ever before.


off, especially for you 🎁

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