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Dave Kaminski – Zoom Profits

Dave Kaminski – Zoom Profits. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
What You Get:

How To Zoom Like a Pro

When people pay for a Zoom meeting, they expect a professional experience…good looking video, good sounding audio and a glitch-free experience.
And that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do in this section of the training.
We’ll deep dive into the best settings, advanced usage and best practices that will give your customers and clients the professional experience they are paying for.
I’ll also be covering all of the tech…cameras, audio and more…showing you what your options are, what to avoid and what to use for the best results in different situations.
The bottom line is once you’re done with this section, you will be a Zoom pro and your meetings will look and sound 1,000% better.
How To Sell Zoom Meetings

Running a free Zoom meeting isn’t hard. You click a link and you’re in the meeting.
But running paid Zoom meetings is a different animal. You need to collect the money upfront, make sure your clients have the correct links, provide meeting recordings and more. And if you try to tackle this manually, you’re in for an epic nightmare.
So in this section of the training, I’m going to show you how to automate it all…where technology does everything for you…so running paid Zoom meetings becomes as point-and-click simple as free meetings.
Plus, I’m going to introduce you to exciting new technology that makes this process even easier yet.
The bottom line is once you’re done with this section, all of the crazy technical stuff required for paid Zoom meetings will be a piece of cake for you.
How To Market Zoom Meetings

So what’s the best length for a paid Zoom meeting? Should you offer different meeting lengths? If you’re doing a group class, is there a certain seat limit that works best?
In this section of the training, I’ll be answering those questions and more. Because as much as people crave one-to-one meetings and live group classes, there are certain formats that simply won’t sell.
But wait…how do you let people know that you’re offering paid Zoom meetings in the first place? What’s the best way to get them to sign-up? How can you charge the highest price? And how do you separate yourself from any potential competition?
I’ll be answering all of those questions and more as well, putting you in the best position to sell the most meetings and for the highest profit.
The bottom line is once you’re done with this section of the training, you’ll know how to use paid Zoom meetings to generate revenue on demand.


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