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HeyDominik – The IG BlackFile 2.0

IG Black File 2.0 By Dominik – Free Download IGBF Instagram Course
A Proven System For Content Creators To Build Their Brand Using Instagram® and Make A 6-Figure Income With It!
In case you don’t know me, my name’s Dominik,
I not only run an Instagram focused marketing agency (MVRQ) that manages and grows top brands from scratch;
I also have gone through the whole process myself:
Going from 0 – literally having no results as a content creator at all, to growing a personal brand that fuels my businesses and enables me the thing I actually value the most: Freedom.
And that’s what I genuinely want you to experience too – and believe it or not, it’s actually pretty doable if you know what to do.
The IGBF is where I map you out the entire process I’ve painstakingly figured out myself – getting you on a FAST TRACK to not only building your brand on Instagram with raving followers and fans, but to also be able to make a living out of it – using my exact formulas and funnels.
The only thing you have to do is to take charge and execute.
Do you find yourself in some of these?
You are a (new) content creator ready to crush it from the start.

You think the algorithm is unfair, just because you don’t know how to treat it the right way.

You know that you need to build an actual brand as opposed to just some quick page to get massive leverage for a lifetime.

You need a proven system that you just need to follow in order to get results.

You are tired of creating content and nobody actually caring about what you have to say.

You tried other Instagram courses only to be disappointed that they still teach the same old methods.

You think you have to wait until you have 10k followers in order to monetize and start to make a living.

You are willing to execute and actually do the work using a step-by-step system that will get you where you want to be.
The IG Black File is the only implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to build your Instagram with highly engaging fans in 2021 — but how to to turn those fans into paying clients.
Nailed down on a proven and validated niche (most people do not have a validated niche, contrary to what they think)

Branded & positioned yourself to become an opinion leader (with our expert positioning framework. And yes – everybody can become one, regardless of where you stand and what you do)

Built a strong Instagram foundation that sets you up to get true fans and is optimized for the algorithm.

Become an Instagram Algorithm Pro (understanding every inch of the algorithms, how they play together and what you can do to give you massive reach)

Developed a bulletproof content strategy (creating content that builds demand, feeds the algorithm and make your engagement explode)

Implemented the latest IG growth strategies (to get laser targeted, organic Instagram growth – without having to be afraid of shadow-bans and whatnot)

Created & launched products your followers are waiting to buy (ever tried selling something to your audience and nothing happened? Not anymore!)
A Proven Step-By-Step System That Shows You Exactly How To Grow Your Instagram with True Fans, Explode Your Engagement and launch your products.
The whole plan is laid out for you, ready to be implemented. Ready to finally crush it on Instagram.
The IGBF course is a 360 degree system designed to maximize all areas of building your Instagram brand organically, and it has been proven to work in basically ANY industry, such as:
Content Creators of all niches

Coaches & Consultants

Influencers & Experts in ANY industry, such as

Fitness, Business, Social Media, and more
Whether you want to sell:
(Digital) Products


Freelance Gigs

Coaching/Consulting Offers

Courses & Masterminds

We actually take you by the hand, get you to implement our Influence Accelerator™ system to your brand, and we’ll walk you through every process from getting real fans, organic growth hacks, to finally launching your first offer that brings home real profits.
Copy&Paste Funnels + Templates (value: $1,997):

Supercharge your learning experience with checklists, cheat sheets & worksheets that will lead you exactly where you need to be.
Also, you get access to my plug&play winning funnels and email swipe files that I currently run to make money – ready to be implemented for you.
Lifetime Access to the IGBF Facebook Community (value: $697):

Get direct access to Dominik to ask questions, network & have access to exclusive account reviews & updates in our mastermind group – giving you important changes and new strategies as soon as they come out.
Agency In A Box (value: $2,990):

Ever thought about creating your own Instagram agency? Well, with the knowledge you gain in this program – you certainly have all the tools at your hand.
In this exclusive bonus I’ll be breaking down the inner workings of my agency, the exact growth methods we use to grow our clients & all of our funnels we use to get high paying clients.
YouTube Mastery (value: $997):

For Action Takers, I’m throwing in my secret YouTube Academy, where I’ll teach you how to grow a brand on YouTube with all of my steps and algorithm secrets I figured out through the years.
So, if you’re in for a behind the scenes look into how I grew one of the fastest growing Instagram Marketing Channels – this is for you!
Mastermind Vault (value: $997):

Get an exclusive access to recorded mentorship recordings that go deep into the matter of building a personal brand on social media.
Case Studies (value: $997):

I will literally “funnel hack” you – reverse engineering my products with tell-all case studies that make me $20k+ every month.
And if I can do it, you can too!
Post & Carousel Templates (value: $49):

Instagram is all about being visual. Get access to a special vault of highly converting Carousel templates & tutorials, Post Overlays that 10x our clients’ engagement.
IG Marketer Certificate (value: $2000):

Are you ready to become certified? Does your boss pay for education?
Upon completion of our program you will receive a certificate, that you’ve taken part in the world’s most advanced Instagram, marketing course on the market.


Available for instant delivery! We are always live on the chat. Hit the chatbot now.

You can check the price list here: Click Here

  Contact us: [email protected]

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