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James Bonadies – Local Marketing Vault

James Bonadies – Local Marketing Vault. Download This Course For Cheap Price…

What You Get:

Proven Funnels – Exact Ads – Exact Keywords & Targeting – Facebook Ads Training – PPC Training – Client-Getting Training – and Much More!

Small Business Package – 9 Funnels
Growth Package – 4 Funnels + Small Business Package
Agency Package – 6 Funnels + Growth Package

Client Results

We have had the unique opportunity to work with over 5,500 clients over the last 3.5 years. Check out their Results..

This Is The Future

We always told our students how logical and real this business is, many didn’t believe us. Now as the internet grows and local businesses need our help now more than ever, colleges are starting to try and take of sliver of the pie. However, those teachers never worked in the space, so we believe being in trenches gives us the proper credentials to teach this to others!

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