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Jon Loomer – Custom Event Mastery

Jon Loomer – Custom Event Mastery | 3.44 GB

Learn the basics of custom events:
– What Custom Events Are and Why They Matter
– Setting Up Google Tag Manager
– Setting Up the Base Pixel with GTM.

– Questions to Ask Yourself About Events to Create
– Add Variables
– The Basic Elements of Custom Events and GTM
– Test Your Events

Learn exactly how to create custom events:
– Internal Link Click Event
– External Link Click Event
– Time on Page Event (Simple)
– Time on Page Event (Complex)
– Scroll Depth Event (Simple)
– Scroll Depth Event (Complex)
– Referral Event
– Embedded YouTube Video Engagement Event
– Combination Event
– Other Events to Consider
– Parameters and Custom Conversions

Learn how to leverage these powerful events:
– Custom Events and Reporting
– Custom Metrics Using Custom Events
– Custom Events and Optimization
– Custom Events and Targeting

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Regular Price =  499$

Sale Price = 25$

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