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Kenneth Yu – The Blockbuster Formula (2023)

Kenneth Yu – The Blockbuster Formula (2023)

“Kenneth Yu – The Blockbuster Formula | 9.64 GB

Kenneth Yu The Ultimate Framework for Creating, Expressing and Scaling Mega-Successful Offers – Changing Your Life, Transforming Your Business, and Thrusting You Into a Brand New Playing Field.
The Blockbuster Formula is a mammoth 12 hour, 43 minute secret weapon for massive wealth creation.

.PACKED to the brim with one-of-a-kind tips, tricks, and strategies. Easy-yet-explosive step-by-step tools to thrive in a noisy, hyper-competitive world.
This 31-video program contains the revelatory secrets of the Internet elite, the kind of frameworks used by the 8 and 9-figure big boys to generate monstrous paydays.

The Blockbuster Formula
An Overview of the Most Powerful Wealth Creation System on Earth
As a business owner who often needs to make crucial decisions in the face of limited time and money, you need to focus on the highest leverage use of resources. To cut to the chase, creating and launching Blockbuster Offers is the best way to create a massive switch in destiny for your business. It can mean the world in terms of exploding your wealth and income.

Psychic Mapping
​The 3 Stages of Pinpointing Your Customer’s Buying Triggers
Thanks to the crowded hyper-noisy Level 5 Marketplace, your customers make buying decisions based on emotions, intuition and the subconscious. Therefore, the more you tap into that sphere of the marketplace, the more accurately attractive your Blockbuster Offers will be. In this illuminating module, you’ll learn:
– 3 Psychic Mapping tools to help you create a blueprint of your customer’s inner world



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