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Kim Kraus Schwalm – Research Beast

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What You Get:

MODULE #1–Gather the Nuggets


In this course I’ll teach you how to collect all of the information “nuggets” available to you as the A-level Research Beast! (The rest will require you to search for yourself. I’ll go over all of that in the steps 2 through 4.)

It is not a good idea to ignore this step. When you take the time to complete this step you’ll prepare yourself to be successful with the rest of your steps.

Most importantly, you’ll reduce time spent sitting at your desk to write your piece and it flows out of your mouth much more quickly, without “writer’s block”. The text you write will be more powerful and better-converting also!

I offer a video overview (and words-for-word translation) of my approach to this first crucial step, and a thorough guide to walk you through my method.

In this guide, you’ll get some of my best ways to find additional “nuggets” you can’t get from your customer… like research, testimonials, product reviews, as well as other credibility boosts for your brand or brand spokesperson… And much more!

Alongside the video tutorial and a comprehensive guide to reference You’ll also receive two valuable checklists to assist you in becoming more efficient and efficient in assembling your data “nuggets”:

Checklist #1 the Ultimate Checklist for Clients “Start Kit” Checklist This provides you with the complete list of things you must request from your client before you start work. Don’t waste time re-inventing the wheel when you can request it and receive it! You’ll appear more professional and skip every “back and forth” of soliciting things from your clients when you’ll need they need them.

Checklist #2 Checklist #2: Ultimate Discovery Call Checklist This checklist will give you an array of questions you can take note of when you are preparing for a kick-off meeting to your customer… or the discovery call with the product’s spokesperson or creator. This ensures that you don’t miss anything , and you’ll be able to arrive fully prepared for the meeting. There are six useful tips to nail your discovery or kick-off call at the bottom this list.

Both checklists can be downloaded as PDFs that you can print and use.

However, that’s not all. In addition…

Where can I get Concepts and Ideas for your copy Video slideshow, transcript of words-to-word This fascinating video and slideshow from a seminar I gave several years ago, provides you with ideas and ideas to write your own copy. I will discuss ways to appeal to your audience’s deepest and most pressing needs as well as offer proof and credibility so that your message and copy are convincing.

I’ll also provide my most effective strategies that I conduct during the research phase of every copywriting project I work on that you can apply to your business or copy. When you’ve completed these checklists and video tutorials, you’ll be well-prepared for what’s next…



MODULE #2– Get Crystal-Clear on Who You’re Writing To


In this course I’ll teach you how to step into your customer’s or avatar’s head and really experience the emotions of dealing with the problem or the pain that your product or service can solve for them. But this goes beyond the development of empathy for your prospective customer.

“My Research Beast process teaches you a method I personally employed and taught my copywriting mentors “The Prism Exercise”.

When you complete this task by completing this exercise, you’ll be able to create an enthralling picture of your potential customer or avatar’s most cherished desires, hopes or fears… And you’ll be capable of tapping into their emotional side and also their logical brain with your sales pitch.

The Complete Guide you get as part of this module I’ve completed everything that follows:

I go over every step of the Prism Exercise so that you are able to pinpoint the deeply felt emotions and desires that go along to your product or issue it solves.

I’ve provided an inventory of “steamin’ hot emotions” to help you think of ideas and pinpoint those that are most pertinent to your customer or your item. This is the way to ramp up the power of selling your content.

In addition, I provide helpful tips for copywriting on how to craft your copy to seem to appear sympathetic and appear as if that you “know” them (versus sounding like someone who’s lecturing or preaching on them).

But this isn’t all. Also included:

The Prism Exercise Template: Here’s where you can find the “clean” version of The Prism Exercise template that you can make to get an accurate picture of whom the message you’ve written to… the person who you’re having a one-on-one conversation with when you write your sales letter… whom you can imagine responding to every word you write as it echoes the emotions, experiences desires, hopes and frustrations that they’re feeling currently.

Examples of Prism Exercises: I’ve included real-world instances from Prism Exercise templates that copywriters I’ve collaborated with or taught have created. They’re designed for a broad range of clients, audiences and services.


A crystal-clear image of your avatar or prospect is achievable when you complete this exercise (and complete all the advanced preparation and research to ensure you are able to do it). It will make it significantly easier in the process of writing your writing!

Let’s go on to the next vital stage of the Study Beast method…



MODULE #3– Dig Out What’s Special About Your Product


This is where the asphalt meets the flooring! In this course I will demonstrate how you can put on your sleeves and truly dig into what’s unique or special in your service.

We’ll move beyond the typical “two-step” features and benefits exercise and use a five-step feature and benefit exercise. What’s the point of those three additional steps?

Because it provides you with more insight, evidence points, and copy that you can later use to convince your potential customer to buy both intellectually and emotionally.

Wait until you’ve gone through this vital step of your research Beast method… and you’ll marvel by the results that come from it!

Within the Complete Guide you get as part of the Third Module, I address each of these:

The first step is to reveal the 5-step procedure that helps bring your product’s advantages to life…and assists you in connecting the benefits to your potential customer’s most potent, uplifting emotions.

I dive in each one of the steps and provide many examples throughout the process. I’ll even give you actual instances of the knowledge and content that were derived from this exercise have been used to create highly-converting, hot sales copy.

I’ll also send you an exclusive excerpt from the interview I had with the late Clayton Makepeace, one of the top direct response copywriters who lived-a few years ago when we discussed how to tap into the emotional triggers.

But it’s not the only thing. Also included:

Five-Step Features and Benefits Worksheet Template Below you’ll get an overview on each of the 5 steps in the five-step Features & Benefits Exercise. I also provide an “clean” template you can make use of to create your own copywriting projects.

Examples of 5-Step Features and Benefits Exercises Here I offer examples of features and demonstrate how to turn them into benefits, scale them, and connect them to a certain dominant emotion. Also included are fully flushed through examples of complete five-step exercises compiled by some of my copywriting mentors for real-world products or services.

Titans Excelerator Breakthrough in Advertising Video Analyzing of Your Product In this special hour-long course I conducted for an breakthrough advertising study group in Brian Kurtz’s popular mastermind I go deep into Gene Schwartz’s introduction on how to evaluate your product prior to sitting in front of a computer to type. In this presentation I offer a step-by-step instruction for the five-step Features and Benefits Exercise. You’ll gain a wealth of information through this instructional video (plus the word-for-word transcription which is included) and discover exactly how to tackle this important exercise yourself!

When you complete this five-step process and you’ll gain more understanding of what makes your product distinctive or different from the competitors. This will allow you to dig out the “hidden gold” that’s buried within your product (no regardless of how basic it appears). This is crucial to be in a position to finish the next step of the Research Beast process.

Plus even more, you’ll be able connect your most significant benefits and features back to your prospect or avatar’s greatest goals, dreams, fears and aspirations. You could even get a copy of your own to use in your promotional material which will give you a jump into beating “blank page blues”.

We’ll now proceed to the fourth step of the research Beast method…



MODULE #4– Find the Unique Mechanism


In the current world of advertising having a distinctive and powerful mechanism is more crucial than ever.

Most likely, at most 90percent of the times you create copy, it’s to promote products or services in more established and competitive markets.

The person you’re pursuing has had numerous others before you…making similar promises.

The same potential customers previously tried several other companies before yours…and in many instances they weren’t completely satisfied with the outcomes… and, even worse discovered that they did not meet their promises.

That’s where your particular mechanism comes in.

The most unique feature is the unique feature that allows those who are most skeptical believe that your product or service can work for them even if others before failed.

In some instances, your “shiny object”-obsessed person might be seeking out whatever new and exciting but most times they have a profound but unfulfilled need that they continue to search for.

What can you do to convince them that your product or service will be effective in their favor… or then be the one they ultimately purchase?

Inside the Complete Guide you get as part of the 4th module you’ll learn all the following:

How do you find the special mechanismthat will bring your product’s strengths to life…and assists you in connecting the benefits to your prospects’ strongest, most powerful, and uplifting emotions.

The main distinction between a distinct mechanism and USP (Unique selling Proposition). Tips: it ties in directly with the exercise of five steps that you’ll learn in Module #3.

The reason why the unique mechanism you use is crucial (and even when not! ) Here’s how you can determine prior to publication the likelihood that your headline or claim will draw the attention of your prospective customer… and/or go unnoticed.

The three questions you must answer by conducting your own research before proceeding. This filtering-out process allows you to take the results of your Prism Exercise and 5-Step Exercise and apply them to create the most effective and efficient strategy for communicating and “big idea”.

How to utilize using the “strategy of pre-eminence” in your content to distinguish your products… however in the event that it’s so identical to the competition that it’s almost like an item that’s a commodity.

The ever-inquisitive method I used to create one of my very first promos… and how it led to an impressive win! (Plus an excerpt from my promo as well as a explanation of how I discovered and dimensionalized every distinguishing aspect.)

How to conduct efficient competitive research without going through in endless “rabbit holes”. My top tips for getting an accurate picture of your fiercest rivals… as well as knowing what amount will be adequate.

Four questions that will help determine the stage of your prospect’s of knowledge. The answers will aid you in determining and contact those who are most likely to buy.

5 stages of marketing sophistication, and (most important) how to determine which one to write about. This is crucial in deciding what approach to choose for the headline you choose to use and your “big idea”. I go over each stage and give examples (including some of my own promotional pieces… You’ll understand why a lot of my most effective promos were written for a specific stage!)

But this isn’t all. Also included:

Titans Excelerator Breakthrough in Advertising Training in Slide Decks and Video on market sophistication: In this nearly 90-minute course I taught for the Breakthrough advertising study group in Brian Kurtz’s renowned mastermind group, I dive into Gene Schwartz’s 5 stages of marketing sophistication. I also present “modern-day” promo examples focusing on the 4th and 3rd stages headlines as well as “big ideas” and demonstrate how they employ a unique method within these. The group also provided a variety of promos that we will discuss what level of sophistication in the market they reflect. The video, slides deck, and word for word transcript is a great resource to reference again and repeatedly… And particularly when you are preparing for your next promotional!

What else do you’ll get to help nail your next

promo , and makes it an massive success…

You may have already guessed you’ll find two more steps in the six step process of research Beast procedure which I will cover during my class. I’m not going to go deep into all the details… however, I’ll show you a glimpse of what you’ll learn when you embark on this training that is A-list quality.

To begin, you’ll figure the key step the majority of copywriters don’t pay attention to, or completely ignore. It can result in creating that unique “big idea” that allows your promotion to be noticed (and helps make it easier for you to create!)

I’ll give you some ways to get the most from this exercise… as well as teach you how to allow your brain to make connections which you could never thought of otherwise!

However, this isn’t all… I’ve saved the most important aspect for the very last step. It’s true that the main reason for going through this six step Research Beast procedure is to prepare to write a promotional piece that is completely accurate about the person you’re writing for… lets you to identify them as well as make them feel like you know them…

…provides the undisputed evidence that proves to the customer that your product can effectively solve their issue… as well as then crystallizes and distills this information into an engaging and compelling “big idea” “…

Then I teach you how to accomplish ALL of it!

Plus , you’ll get to hear some of the best A-Listers Dan Ferrari’s top strategies also…

In this critical sixth step you’ll bring together your most valuable ideas, evidence points as well as unique processes and an analysis of the market. You’ll come an “big idea” (or, in the most cases, multiple big ideas).

As part of this last section I’ve included a nearly an hour long video (and words-for-word transcript) of my exclusive mentorship group class where I worked with the top copywriter on the A-list and provide owner Dan Ferrari… often called the “bearded genius” “… as an extra guest.

In this phone call I sat down with Dan to talk and he shared his method to conduct research and developing a powerful “big idea”. Dan shared a few methods he uses personally (many of which aren’t “usual” techniques you hear about… and they’re all waiting to be discovered in this unrestricted video.

Here’s a small some of the things you’ll see…

Dan’s personal “cheat code” to successful copywriting. While a large portion of the process is research, it’s important to include this additional step that many lazy copywriters as well as marketers do not take. It’s part of the reason he’s been capable of scaling his offerings with the same promo copy over the decades!

The unnoticed avatar characteristic that Dan is known to focus upon… and how he can pinpoint the perfect angle to communicate with it (and then finds the evidence that he requires to prove it!)

What actually should be spending your spare moment studying. Fiction? Non-fiction? Here’s Dan’s personal method of determining the best books to read… and the process that led to the “big idea” he used to design a multi-year million-dollar control!

How to utilize “proof stacking” to build confidence and trust. Make sure you add your credibility or proof elements every time you insert this information in your text.

The best way to introduce a new system. Here’s how to determine how much you should reveal and when to reveal it… as well as when it’s far far and given away too many!

Dan’s high-value position secret. Primes your prospect to spend more than they typically would. Just do this thing in the beginning of your marketing copy.

How can you make the “big idea” or story you tell with emotion real. This stealthy tactic is easy to use and keeps your audience engaged and reading throughout the entire process!

“Boxer” Secret: The “boxer” secret that keeps your prospects exactly where you want them to be. Make sure to make this clear at the most important areas in your copy.

The reason you might need to overcome doubts and objections even using the Harvard investigation. This dimensionalizing tactic can help!

and lots more!

You’ll not only learn the “insider” tactics for researching and writing content on a more advanced quality, but you’ll also be able to listen to Dan and I go over the highly successful Genesis anti-aging supplement and then put it through the ringer.

Watch as two A-Listers from the top pick apart the headline and lead copy, the claims and word choices, images close copy as well… also captions on photos (they’re significantly more crucial than you believe) utilized throughout Dan’s commercial.

Plus, Dan also discusses an unpopular but very effective prototype variant of the Genesis promo, and discusses how he came up with an idea for the “big idea” for it.

The knowledge you gain from these two break-downs can be compared to the knowledge you’ll gain from a “master class” in copywriting and research. You’ll keep coming back to these videos… as well as this instructional video… time and repeatedly!

However, you’re not finished yet. This is because when you have come up with the “big idea” (or multiple “big idea” candidates) You’ll need to write a summary of your ideas on the form of a Copy Platform which you might decide to show to your client prior to making a draft… plus you’ll need an outline of your “blueprint” for your promo which will help you keep track of all the valuable “copy points” you’ve dug out during your study.

When you’ve received “buy-in” from your client on your Copy Platform and you’ve completed your outline or think you’ve refined it to perfection by yourself then it’s “Go Time” from here. It’s time to dive into writing your promotion, be it an online sales page, VSL microsite, email campaign or Facebook ad or press release, or any other type of content you’re creating.

There’s even a ton of content you’ve thought of because of the six steps of my research Beast method. You won’t be staring at your computer screen and not knowing where to begin… as well as stricken with worry about “getting behind schedule” because you’re always putting things off.

Instead, you’ll begin filling with all the blanks of your outline copy “blueprint “… starting with the numerous copies and “nuggets” that you’ve already created. You’ll also have a plan to everything else you’ll have to write about from that.

You might need to dig more deeply into other things that you come across while writing your message-it’s an natural process. However, you won’t be in a rut like the Mini Cooper in a snowdrift and frantically surfing the internet and panicking in a jumble.

When you’ve been an researcher Beast and you’re a Research Beast, you’ll be able to approach every copywriting task capable of…

Begin every project by getting comfortable with your search process and you will save the time (or maybe even days) of your precious time looking around the Internet and then coming up in the middle…

Find out where you can discover excellent ideas and proof of your copy or promotional. Instead of sounding like the other copy you read You’ll be able to create unbeatable proof , and distinctive angle and hooks which stand out in the crowd of competitors…

Expertly push all the right buttons to will make your customers want to purchase by making sure every word of copy contains an emotional punch. it is possible to draw attention to an individual’s frustration, fear or doubt that your ideal person is experiencing…

Discover the most important difference-that “unique mechanism”-in your solution. You’ll be able to convince even the most disillusioned and skeptical customers that your product will be successful where other products before them failed and gain an undeniable advantage in your marketplace!

Show your clients that they are smart enough to select youbecause you handle your work as a professional, making your life much simpler (with much more “back and forth”) and provide them with content that doesn’t “sing”, but hits all the high notes (and inspires them to engage you immediately for another project). )…

You will get better results from your content since you’re addressing your prospects’ deepest desires and feelings, and presenting your product in a more appealing manner that makes you a hero to your customers (and capable of charging more) or making it possible to expand your offer to new dimensions or…

Improve the speed of turnaround quickly since you have an established method of knowing the people you’re writing for and determining what’s unique about your product and creating a great “big idea” “… to add additional projects (and increase your earnings) or get more time to do whatever you wish to do!









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