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Laura Silva Quesada - Everyday ESP

Laura Silva Quesada – Everyday ESP

Laura Silva Quesada – Everyday ESP

Discover and harness the extraordinary power of your natural ESP abilities with Laura Silva Quesada groundbreaking course, “Everyday ESP.” This comprehensive audio home training program is designed to unlock your intuitive potential and empower your mind in ways you never thought possible.

Highlights :

Through a step-by-step curriculum, Everyday ESP guides you on a transformative journey to awaken your intuitive hunches, feelings, and insights. With the help of 4 brand new mind empowerment meditations, you’ll learn how to discern valuable information from your senses and apply it to enhance every aspect of your life.

This engaging course offers a delightful blend of effective exercises, assignments, and meditations, making the learning process fun and effortless. What sets Everyday ESP apart is its proven proprietary method, which guarantees your successful development of ESP.


In the field of quantum mechanics, physicists are now open to the possibilities of a conscious, vibratory field that permeates the Universe. In their books, The Source Field Investigations, by David Wilcock, and Seven Experiments That Could Change the World, by Rupert Sheldrake, the authors give credence to the idea that all space, time, energy, matter, life, and consciousness in the Universe is the product of a singular source field.


Our incapsulated consciousness, or Source Energy within, also referred to as the “I Am” presence, needs to have an ability to perceive; a focusing faculty much like that of the eye to focus on something far, and then in a fraction of a second, something near. That faculty is mind. Mind is a focusing faculty of Source Energy to move through space and time with no barriers whatsoever. Through mind, our consciousness can go forward or backward in time with ease.


With your unlimited mind senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching developed, you can experience the power you possess to create life altering, positive change.


Your intuitive faculties need to be applied, information perceived needs to be trusted, and following through with what you perceive needs to be practiced in order for the feeling of “knowing” to strengthen. With a strong sense of knowing, you will be able to rely, in the most practical of ways, on your inner guidance system.

Who this Course is for:

Everyday ESP is for anyone eager to explore and maximize their innate ESP abilities. Whether you’re new to the concept or have some experience in this field, this course will take you on a fulfilling journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a strong foundation in understanding and utilizing ESP in daily life.
  • Master the art of tapping into your intuitive hunches, feelings, and insights.
  • Apply the information sensed through ESP to improve various aspects of your life.
  • Cultivate a deep sense of “knowing” that enhances decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Implement powerful mind empowerment techniques for continuous growth and development.

Course Features:

  • Audio home training program for convenient learning at your own pace.
  • Step-by-step curriculum to guide you on your ESP journey.
  • Four mind empowerment meditations designed specifically for enhancing your intuitive abilities.
  • Fun and easy-to-undergo exercises and assignments for practical application.
  • Proven proprietary method to ensure successful ESP development.
  • Unleash your natural ESP potential and experience a profound shift in perception.

Course Price:

Originally priced at $497, Everyday ESP is now available for an exclusive offer of only $25. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to unlock your extraordinary intuitive powers and embark on a life-changing adventure with Laura Silva Quesada’s Everyday ESP course.

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Regular Price =  499$

Sale Price = 25$

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