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MLD Jon – Body Language Mastery 3.0

Download Now Body Language Mastery 3.0 By MLD Jon. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
NEW Body Language for Men in the Complete Body Language Collection
Did you know that on a date, most women never say what they’re really thinking? You aren’t doing yourself any favors if you are hunting for hidden meanings in her words during a date instead of watching for the secret body language cues she is giving you naturally. You’re squandering your time and money on dates that end in messaging rather than in the bedroom.
Women’s body language reveals their actual feelings and ideas subconsciously. So, if you want to substantially improve your date closing rate and become an expert (like in Modern Life Dating), the Body Language Mastery Course is for you:
Hello, Jonathan from Modern Life Dating here. I started learning how to read the code of the modern dating scene and the truth about women when I was still in my early twenties.
I had to deliberately hunt for the necessary knowledge and tools as a young man who grew up without a strong masculine role model in order to achieve the highest level of success with women.
Dating is a talent that can be learnt and perfected with active practice, yet many men fail to attain success due to inaction.
At the ripe old age of 24, I’d had my fair share of action, but it took me several dates with a woman before I had any faith that she wasn’t just looking for an easy meal and would come to my place.
That was around the moment I realized how powerful body language can be.
Imagine going to your local GameStop every week and seeing a consistent 9 out of 10 at the cash register. Ashley was her name, and I had to have her.
I’d only spoken to her three or four times before, but by the fifth time, something had captured my eye. I noticed her giving me small but deliberate stares as I walked down aisle after aisle looking for new games to play.
I had a strong sense she was interested in me, so I offered her to Starbucks for a small break, which she gladly accepted.
I was feeling self-conscious as we drank our coffee, so I tried to turn on the charm by telling awful joke after terrible joke. I felt I was on my way to a disaster, but then I saw she was constantly stroking my hands and giggling at me. Although this wasn’t new to me, actively realizing it was.
I went for the kill and invited her back to my house. I was astounded when she consented without hesitation.
Some of you may believe she was flinging herself at me or that I was just lucky, but neither of these things were true. I, like many of you, had observed subtle body language signs like this before, but had either failed to act or failed to cognitively analyse the scenario.
Fast forward to now, and I’ve mastered the art of body language.
I can now make first contact with a woman and bring her back to my house within a day after understanding body language. I also don’t have to strive to impress women.
Simply use Tinder to locate a match in the morning and take the lucky girl out for an inexpensive coffee or snack date in the evening.
I know I can get her back to my location at any time if I observe any positive indications like a large smile or primitive nesting (snuggling or body pushing while walking). I can also stop my losses and ask for the check right away if I observe any bad indications like no eye contact or her body leaning away.
This saves me time, mental energy, money, and most significantly, it has increased and maintained my closing rate.
In the Body Language Mastery Course, that is the gift I want to give you. The ability to read a woman’s body language on a date and know what she is thinking and feeling just by looking at her gives you the confidence to know what she is thinking and feeling.
I’ve already shared similar knowledge for free on my website, YouTube, and even the Red Man Group. But I realized something: if they don’t have any skin in the game, most men will not take the required steps to improve.
That’s why, for a one-time cost of $697, I’m delivering you the most intense Red Pill experience you’ve ever experienced. This comprises:
Enrollment is only available for 5 days!
Enrollment for Quarter 3 is September 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th (Only 5 days due to extreme demand.)
This course covers the following topics:
A video breakdown of female body language from head to toe that reveals if she is sexually interested in you or not. ($999 value)
3 weeks of twice daily webinar Q&A sessions on Zoom for Quarters 3 AND 4 of 2020 (90+ hours total coaching) that allow you to communicate with elite Red Pill Community members and Multimillionaires to Ask Them Your Personal Questions. Rollo Tomassi, Richard Cooper, Rian Stone, Donovan Sharpe, Ed Latimore, and others were among the speakers. ($9999 value)
Access to the Red Pill DATABASE from the previous year’s webinars, which includes over 100 hours of Red Pill content!
Access to a Men’s Only Facebook Group where you may connect with high-ranking men in the community to grow your network of power, knowledge, and authority. ($1999 value)
All of this incredible value is yours for only $797.
Enrollment is restricted. That’s correct, you’ll only be able to enroll once per business quarter, so don’t miss out.
Enrollment for Q3 2020 is limited to a 5-day period from September 24th to September 28th. Why are there only 5 days? This is a community for men who will take decisive action, so sign up today for the course launch notification on September 24th by clicking the link below.
I look forward to assisting you in improving your game in 2020 and beyond.
Modern Life Dating’s Jonathan
P.S. One last point…
This is not a course for everyone. This course is not for you if you are content with how you now perceive reality. This course is unsuitable for you if you have obtained knowledge about how to improve your dating game but are a man who does not take action.
A program like this has never been in the Manosphere before. It will, without a doubt, revolutionize your life.
The things you see in the Body Language Mastery Course will never leave you. You can even come into new, unpleasant situations, such as recognizing attractive female in-laws’ body language.
My game improved substantially after I began mastering body language in my 20s, and I can no longer ignore it.
This course will teach you how to tell if a woman’s resistance to you is wearing thin over time or if she’s just searching for a free meal.
You’ll be able to tell whether a woman is a hot or cool caller right away. If there is no eye contact, leaning away, wandering eyes, or if she is merely being kind until the check arrives, don’t waste your time. Save time by opening your eyes.
I sincerely desire to assist you. Many ladies are willing to extort you in exchange for a free dinner, jewelry, a visa, or even a baby. Don’t be fooled. Focus on their body language rather than their words to figure out what’s actually going on.
Jonathan from Modern Life Dating created everything in this course from the ground up. No repurposed cookie cutters here.


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