
Nick Kenens – Cold Emails for SMMA[MP4s, PDFs, DOCXs]

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Nick Kenens – Cold Emails for SMMA[MP4s, PDFs, DOCXs] Download Now

Ever wondered why you’re not CONSISTENTLY getting NEW clients for your SMMA?
Here’s a shocker… It’s because you don’t have outreach systems in place.
Cold emails, calls, texts, videos, etc… Is nothing more than outreach.
Keep it simple.

Completely automate your cold email outreach at scale using this course.
Reach 300+ local businesses A DAY using the automation systems I’ve created through trial & error.
Learn from my mistakes, shorten your learning curve and take control over your income.
All you have to do is go to the meetings and close the deals.
Keep it simple.
Enroll in the course and take your SMMA to the next level.
Class Curriculum
Module 1: Cold Email Course Introduction & Mindset Going Into The Course
Start Why Was This Cold Email Outreach Course Created? (12:59)
Start How To Best Use The Information Provided In This Course To Get Massive Results (5:58)
Module 2: The Power of Cold Emails – How & Why They Work
Start Our Complete Cold Emailing Process & Mindset (10:02)
Start Cold Calling vs Cold Emailing (6:17)
Start How Many Cold Emails to Send Out Per Day (Min & Max) (5:12)
Start The Most Effective Way to Go About Cold Emailing (5:15)
Module 3: Writing The Perfect Cold Email to Get SMMA Clients
Start How to Write The Ultimate Cold Email That Gets 80%+ Open Rate (4:57)
Start 4 Simple Email Subject Lines That Get 80%+ Open Rates (7:25)
Start How to Write An Email Pitch That Converts: 3 Tips for Cold Emailing In A Competitive Industry (7:55)
Start How We Do Follow-ups If We Get No Response From The First Email (12:58)
Start How to Avoid Getting Your Cold Emails Marked As Spam (In-depth) (5:02)
Start How to Most Effectively Use Your Email Signature To Build Authority (5:47)
Module 4: Where To Find Contact Information for Cold Email Automation at Scale
Start Method #1: The Easy Way to Find SMMA Lead Information (3:33)
Start Method #2: The Effective Way to Find SMMA Lead Information (7:38)
Start Method #3: The Scraping Way to Find SMMA Lead Information (7:12)
Start Cheatsheet: 3 Leadsourcing & Scraping Websites to Get SMMA Client Lead Information
Start Implementation Video: Cheatsheet: 3 Leadsourcing & Scraping Websites to Get SMMA Client Lead Information (5:31)
Module 5: How to Completely Automate Your Cold Email Outreach & Follow Ups Using These Ninja Tools
Start The Secret Tool for Completely Automating Email Outreach *Secret Weapon* (9:45)
Start The 5 Requirements for Automating Cold Email Outreach (10:20)
Start The 3 Different Types of Cold Email Templates To Use & Which One Works Best (5:44)
Start Complete Workflow Walkthrough (Over The Shoulder) (16:03)
Email Templates: Our Highest-Converting Cold Email Templates
Start Cheap Website Front-End Offer Cold Email Template
Start Implementation Video: Cheap Website Front-End Offer Cold Email Template (5:52)
Start 2 Week Facebook Ads Trial Cold Email Template
Start Implementation Video: 2 Week Facebook Ads Trial Cold Email Template (6:05)
Start Networking Event Automated Follow Up Template
Start Implementation Video: Networking Event Automated Follow Up Template (4:12)
Start Personal Facebook Group Invitation Template
Start Implementation Video: Personal Facebook Group Invitation Template (2:06)
Funnel Templates: Cold Email Conversion Sales Funnel Templates
Start Cheap Website Foot-in=the-door Offer Funnel Template
Start 2 Week Facebook Ads Trial Offer Sales Funnel Template
Bonus Module: Cold Email Productivity Hacks
Start Huge Potential: Scaling Out Your Cold Email Campaigns to 1000+ Personalized Emails/Day (4:05)
Start Hacking Your Time – Do A Weeks Worth of Work in 1-2 Hours (4:54)
Start How To Effectively Respond to Emails Without Getting Completely Distracted (3:26)
Bonuses Module: Secret & Advanced Retargeting Strategies
Start The Funnel Retargeting Automation Secret (5:20)
Start Using Facebook To Turn Cold SMMA Leads Into Burning Hot SMMA Leads & Clients (4:49)
BONUS: Surround Yourself With The Right People & Network
Start JOIN Mastermind Facebook Group: SMMA Hacks Inner Circle (2:10)
Start JOIN Mastermind Facebook Group: World Class Millennial Entrepreneurs (1:36)
Start JOIN Engagement Facebook Group: World Class YouTube Engagement Group (3:00)
BONUS: One-on-One Help To Scale & Grow Your Business
Start Want Further Help? (5:36)


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