
Nicola Moors – Brand Voice Baller

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Brand Voice Plonking a Schitt’s Creek GIF into an email isn’t adding personality

That isn’t Brand Voice

You listen to a couple of podcasts, dunk some phrases into the sales page and call it a day …
You plonk a Schitt’s Creek GIF into a sales email…
That’s not adding personality.
Right now, you’re winging it.

And if you’re reading this paragraph thinking “Shit, that sounds like me”, you’re not alone”

Brand voice refers to the distinct personality, tone, and style that a brand adopts in its communication with its target audience. It is the way a brand expresses itself through written and verbal content, including advertising, marketing materials, social media posts, website copy, and customer interactions.

A well-defined brand voice helps a company establish a consistent and recognizable identity, differentiate itself from competitors, and build a strong connection with its audience. It reflects the brand’s values, culture, and positioning in the market.


It enables customers to recognize and connect with the brand, enhancing brand loyalty and engagement.

Companies often establish The Program guidelines to provide clear instructions on how to maintain consistency in communication. These guidelines may include guidelines on language usage, tone of voice, vocabulary, and even specific examples of messaging.


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