
Sophia Amoruso – Business Class

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“Simon Dixon – Retirement Plan | 39.9 GB

Sophia Amoruso What You Get:
Module 1 / Week 1:
The Retirement Plan Financial Ladder
In module 1, before you start building your Retirement Plan , we’ll give you our fill-in-the-blank simple spreadsheet.

This removes all guess work on how much to invest, how much risk to take and what investment strategy to use. Liberate yourself so you know exactly how to achieve your financial goals, no matter how big you dream, even if you are starting with no savings and an average salary.
In module 1 we’ll cover:

Module 2 / Week 2:
The Retirement Plan Investing Principles
In module 2 we go through the investing principles that make up the Retirement Plan . Using these investment principles we take all the subjective decision making out of your Retirement Plan like when to buy, when to sell, what to buy and what to sell, so you can set it up and spend your time doing what you want to do. Make your Retirement Plan work for you, rather than you working for your Retirement Plan . These are the investing principles that allow you to spend your life doing what you want rather than creating another job for yourself managing your investments.
In module 2 we’ll cover:
Remove all the complexities and frustrations you may have experienced getting started in the past.








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