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Tim Denning – The Amazon Book Publishing Shortcut

Todd showed me how anyone can publish a book on Amazon in as little as 6 weeks or less.

Don’t miss this – Todd’s no dummy. He might be as close to a “natural writer” as anyone can be. It still took him forever to figure out how Amazon worked and self-publish his first book.
Now, he’s got the blueprint.
Todd and I have been refining his last decade of work into a method we call The Amazon Book Publishing Shortcut
The Amazon Book Publishing Shortcut…

Helps you turn existing blog posts into books in months, not years
Gets you up and running on Amazon Kindle as fast as possible
Clears the fog of Amazon’s difficult interface so you don’t waste time

The truth is this: you don’t need “more time“ to write a book. You need a process. You need a plan. You need the shortcut.

Books help authors out of the rat race.
And I’m not just talking about the rat race of a full-time job. I’m talking about the rat race many writers willingly march into on a daily basis, thinking they are free.
Writers have plenty of ways to make money today. Let’s analyze a few of them.
Medium is a the best blogging platform on the internet. If you write a big piece on Medium, there could be a big payout. You can also keep earning for a while…provided you keep writing new stuff.
Paid Newsletter
If you write a paid newsletter, that revenue will likely start slowly and continue to grow… provided you keep writing new stuff.
If you write a lot around the internet and also ask for “tip-jar” style payments directly from your audience, you could make a reasonable earning… providing you keep writing new stuff.
News Break
If you write for News Break today, you could take advantage of guaranteed payouts…provided you keep writing new stuff (and provided News Break can afford to keep paying you).
If you write for clients there’s one big payout upfront, and then no more payout after that… unless you keep writing new stuff.
If you write a book, you get paid some up front, and there is also a long tail payout. Even if you never write another word, you’ve still got the chance to get paid… for work you’ve already done.

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