Eben Pagan – Self Made Wealth

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Are you looking to be wealthy?
Are you looking to be able to care for the people around?

Are you looking to attract the people that you desire in your life?

Are you ready to achieve your goals and leave a lasting impression on your loved ones and yourself?
It hasn’t happened yet.
You’ve probably been looking for answers for a while. Although you’ve tried many things and worked hard, nothing has really helped.
It doesn’t feel like your pace is fast enough.
It doesn’t feel like your efforts are making any real difference to your ultimate wealth or success.
You may have saved some or even invested some.
You may have some money in the bank but it is not enough to pay for what you want to create.
The hardest thing is that you don’t know if you are on the right track.
Hello, my name is Eben Pagan. I am here to help you solve your problem.
In just a second, I will show you 3 major reasons people fail to create wealth and why it is entirely your fault you have not been able to achieve the financial freedom and success you desire…
And, most importantly, I will show you exactly how to get wealth in your life.
Before I tell you all that, let me tell you a bit about me.
What are my qualifications and why should you listen to me about creating wealth and financial freedom?
My name is Eben Pagan.
I came from a poor background, which most people would consider very bad.
Oregon is where I was born. Literally, way out in the woods. Until my mid-twenties, I didn’t make more than 10 dollars an hour growing up. For the first part of my life, I did not do any other work than manual labor to earn an income.
I didn’t have wealthy mentors. I don’t even know anyone who is rich or wealthy.
In other words, I started from zero — with no wealth knowledge.
After realizing that my previous work wasn’t bringing me the financial success and income I desired, I began to explore other options.
So I started my own business.
I tried several entrepreneurial businesses over the years, but none of them worked out.
Each time, I learned a valuable lesson I could add to the others and use them all together to make my next venture more successful.
My businesses became more and more successful until the businesses that I started truly took off.
I have since launched several multi-million dollar businesses. They all still operate to this day. They are all very successful and continue to grow.
This is not to brag, but to let people know that I have worked hard on this stuff.
I did not come from a family that could teach me all the steps to success. I was not born with a silver spoon in mine. I didn’t have an angel mentor who helped me with my inner issues, my emotional problems and my bad programming.
It was a lot of work that I had to do all by myself.
The 3 Things that Prevent Us

To Becoming Rich
This area of life has been studied for many years.

There are three things that keep us from being successful.

From becoming wealthy.
1. We aren’t wired

To become wealthy
Modern neuroscience has shown that humans are hardwired to respond to certain situations and learn certain responses.
We were designed to live in an environment.
Not for thousands of years.
This is because human evolution happens very slowly, while CULTURAL and BUSINESS evolutions and the EVOLUTION of KNOWLEDGE work very quickly…now that we have language and computers and Internet…
All of it is changing faster than human evolution, and the evolution our biological hardware ‘…
You’ll quickly discover that our “hardware” is not made to function in modern societies.
It is not intended to deal with interest rates, money, or long-term time frames.
Our brains are wired to live in a time-based environment. We needed to consume resources quickly to survive. We hunted game to survive for one day or two weeks. We also ate fat to keep our bodies fueled in the event of starvation.
This bad wiring makes it difficult for most people to accumulate lasting wealth, no matter how hard they try.
2. We aren’t programed

To become wealthy
Poor programming can lead to poor wealth. Many of us were raised in poor families. Even worse, our families didn’t believe wealthy people were good people.
They were negative about money. They were angry at their bosses and the owners of their company.
We have developed a negative self-talk that says people with a lot more money are bad. If money is brought up in conversation, conflicts will result.
Bad programming can not only stop us from attracting wealth but also repels wealth away.
3. Habits that hinder are what we have.

We can stop becoming wealthy
Each of us has habits we follow every day. Routines. Things that we do every day on autopilot. In fact, most things that we do today are 99% the same things that we did yesterday.
Not just what we do but how we think, and behave. They are all habitual.
Everything we think, feel, and do today is 99% the same thing as yesterday, the day before, and the day after that…
The problem is that most of us have developed bad habits and poor behaviors that make it difficult to create wealth.
We are unknowingly moving away from the wealth that we desire on a daily basis.
The Evidence?
Take a look around. What percentage of people you know or around you have created wealth for themselves? There is a good chance that not all of them have.
According to statistics, 95% of those who reach 65 are either broke or dependent on government support. This is 19% of 20 people.
You’ve probably seen or read news stories about people who make a lot of money but didn’t earn it over the years.
People who inherit lots of money, win the lottery, or make big wins on the slots…
You’ve seen it happen in most cases that people who are able to make huge financial gains end up losing it all over the next few years.
This is unbelievable! How can someone with millions of dollar lose it all in a few years? And then get worse off later in life?
This is because we aren’t wired or programmed enough to have the right habits and build wealth. This is something that must be learned.
This doesn’t only apply to regular people…
The majority of wealthy people you know aren’t wired for or have the habits of wealth.
You’ll see that only 1 in 20 people end up rich. This is because of the sheer luck and good fortune of those who become wealthy and successful.
Although many would not admit it, many were in the right place at just the right time.
Randomly throwing money in a room will result in someone getting more than the others. This is how things work.
Author of “Think and Grow Rich”, Napolean Hill says that only 1 in 100,000 people understand the requirements to be a successful entrepreneur.
The vast majority of people, even the wealthy, don’t know how to make and maintain wealth.
It doesn’t matter how wealthy someone is, they don’t necessarily have the same understanding and ability to duplicate their wealth if they start from scratch.
Some people were in the right place at just the right time.
You need to understand that these are not natural things. If you want to be able to create wealth and maintain it, without having to rely on luck or good fortune, then you will need to figure out how to fix them.
But there is a way…
The Path to Wealth is CounterIntuitive
We are fortunate that people who have created wealth and have done it consistently have left CLUES.
These secrets have been my quest for over 15 years. I am going to share them with all of you through this program.
However, it is important to understand that the path to wealth is COUNTERINTUITIVE.
They are contrary to common sense. They are opposite of what you THINK is necessary to create wealth.
Others who see you doing the things really create wealth will tell you that you are crazy and don’t know what’s going on.
But that’s precisely why most people don’t have any lasting wealth.
People who are wealthy think differently. They have different mental maps and mindsets.
Each person has a different set of habits. They have different actions that they take each day that help them create wealth.
If you are serious about building wealth and keeping it, I would love to share the secrets with you and show you how to put them into practice, starting right now.
Self-made Wealth

The Psychology, Science, and Art of Making Yourself Rich
I have spent many, many years trying out to find what makes people successful and’self-made’. I believe I’ve finally found the path that anyone can follow to build lasting wealth in their life — no matter where they are starting from.
We’ll help you rewire your money psychology and debug your mental programming about money.
I challenge you to look at your negative beliefs and experiences, your emotional relationship to money, your feelings towards success and your daily actions and money habits.
We will really dig in and identify the blocks that are preventing you from achieving your financial goals. Then, we’ll replace them with a foundation that is healthy and productive, emotional, and behavioral. This will allow you to ‘automatically create’ the personal financial success you desire.
Program Details
Self-Made Wealth provides a 90-day comprehensive education on money and wealth. It teaches you how to change your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors so that your long-term wealth can be yours.
This combination of video-based and online mentoring is available through a private member area, which you can access 24/7.
Once you get inside, you will find an integrated, structured system that can overcome your wiring and creature drives to make money and wealth work for you.
There hasn’t been any training program that covers all three key areas: your mindset, emotions and behaviors.

Eben Pagan – Self Made Wealth


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