Peng Joon – Virtual Event Codex 2022

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Peng Joon – Virtual Event Codex 2022. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
hen you attend Virtual Event Codex LIVE, here’s what you will discover:
You’ll discover how to sell out your own virtual event, virtually every time, withOUT spending a ton of money or going crazy to find attendees
The simplest and most clear Facebook Ads Breakdown you’ve ever seen, giving you the EXACT ads and everything else you need (you literally just load them into your account and press “go”) to sell out your event EVEN to cold audiences
The Funnel Stack so you can use a simple, proven funnel to sell your event and maximize the amount of money you get BEFORE your event even takes place (again, it’s already DONE for you, you just fill in the blanks and press “go”)
Micro Commitments, leveraging little “yes’s” to get them to WANT to show up, every time (just cause they buy doesn’t mean they’ll show, your money is made in the back end/getting them to show up!)

Pre Training, getting them small wins BEFORE they show up for the event, so they’re “true believers” by the time they show up (virtually guaranteeing they’ll BUY when they get there)
Selling Them the Show Up so you can feel confident your event will be plump full of raving fans, NOT empty seats
​Follow Up Video Series to get even ice cold buyers to know, like, and trust you BEFORE they ever meet you
​Minimizing Refunds with just ONE message: the right message at the right time (yep, I already wrote it for you)
Setting up Context to ensure all your surroundings are set up for success (all the perfect environment, rules, frameworks, etc.)
Messaging to preframe the outcome of your event (following the ‘perfect path’ of struggles, successes, strengths, beliefs, and finishing with my beliefs)
How to Serve Them at the Highest Level (go through my checklist to get them “all in” by going after motivation, fears, choices, and aspirations)
​Topics to Teach, with absolute clarity on theory vs tactics vs transformation…the easy way

​How to Increase Energy Levels to keep everybody excited, engaged, and at peak state throughout the ENTIRE event
​Seeding for Upsells, making the upsell an absolute no-brainer Price Marinade to establish prices of upsells ahead of time to make NOT buying feel like the “wrong decision”
What to Present Right Before the Upsell to virtually guarantee they buy (and you tap into where the REAL money is made)
Advanced Seeding to get your audience connected with you like never before, and at the absolute edge of their seat…begging you to make your offer
Value Marinade which separates the top 1% of closers from everybody else (this alone is worth the whole investment, trust me)
Transition to Upsell and make them feel like they’re not even being pitched anything (the craziest, coolest feeling in the world)
​How To Use Testimonials the Right Way to instantly gain trust and full belief in your offer
Testimonial Acquisition which fill up your ‘vault’, one of the most valuable assets you’ll ever have
Sizzle Reel Creation to prevent you from EVER getting “stuck” at the $1-3mil mark OR ever trading time for money, by repurposing your events as fuel for your marketing/branding for everything else
Repurposing it into a course which becomes a digital asset that you can sell over and over again, 24/7

Peng Joon – Virtual Event Codex 2022


Sales Page Link
Official Price: $997
Our Price: $30
Email us if you want to buy it or contact us on chat!


off, especially for you 🎁

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